User help guide : 

This guide is intended for users who encounter difficulties with the BoxUp application.

Having trouble opening a locker or using the application?

Please follow the procedure below:
1. Go to the menu
2. Click on profile
3. Click Logout.
4. Reconnect to the BoxUp App with your login and password.

Still not working?

(5). Try relaunching the application or deleting and reinstalling it.

You will find answers and procedures to follow depending on the problem encountered below:

1. Help with opening the locker :

1.1 I can't open the locker to get material

1.1.1 For Android users

nb : In rare cases, certain models of Chinese-brand smartphones, such as “Xiaomi”, “Oppo”, “Huawei – P series”, may experience problems opening the lockers.
Please log in to your account from another smartphone model


– Have you authorized all the necessary settings?

On your smartphone, go to :

Settings-> Application-> BoxUp-> Authorizations

The following authorizations must be granted:
– Exact position
– Nearby devices
– Camera

Please also check that your bluetooth and position are activated.


– Have you reset the station?
To reset the station, press the button on the side of the station base.

If, despite following the above steps, the locker still won’t open, we recommend that you uninstall and reinstall the application.



– The locker still won’t open?

Please notify our customer service via the chat or e-mail.



1.1.2 For IOS users


Please check that your bluetooth and position are activated.


– Have you reset the station?
To reset the station, press the button on the side of the station base.
If, despite following the above steps, the locker still won’t open, we advise you to uninstall and reinstall the application, as this may solve the problem.



– The locker still won’t open?

Please notify our customer service via the chat ou per e-mail.

1.2 I can't open the locker to put materials back and finish my activity

Please follow the procedure described in section 1.1.

If, despite all your attempts, you are unable to open the locker, please follow the procedure below:

  1. Keep the equipment with you or give it to someone of trust (e.g. a store manager in the area).
  2. Then contact our support department via chat to explain the situation and find a solution as soon as possible.

Our team will thank you for your efforts in resolving this issue.

1.3 I can't open the locker to retrieve my belongings left inside.

Please follow the procedure described in section 1.1.

If, despite all your attempts, you are unable to open the locker, please contact our support immediately via chat or e-mail to find a solution as soon as possible.

2. Application help :

2.1 The application closes when I try to send a photo

Try relaunching the application. If the application still closes, we advise you to uninstall it and reinstall the application. This may solve the problem.

If, despite all your attempts, you are still unable to send the photo from the application, please send us the photo via chat. Our support team will take care of the rest.

2.2 Application closes on startup or login

Try relaunching the application. If the application still closes, we recommend you uninstall and reinstall it. This may solve the problem.

Si malgré toutes vos tentatives, vous n’arrivez toujours pas à ouvrir l’application ou vous connecter à votre compte, merci de nous contacter via via le chat ou par e-mail en mentionnant votre modèle de smartphone, notre équipe analysera votre demande et reviendra vers vous dans les plus brefs délais.

If, despite all your attempts, you are still unable to open the application or log in to your account, please contact us via chat or e-mail mentioning your smartphone model. Our team will analyze your request and get back to you as soon as possible.

2.3 The locker is marked as unavailable, but all the material seems inside.

Please contact us viachat and send a photo of the locker and mention the name of the station. Our support team will analyze your request and free the locker for your use.

Haven’t found the answer to your question in our help guide? Send your request to our support team via chat or e-mail.