
Spikeball kit (Roundnet)

Spikeball Pro | Adult + Children Balls | Inflation Pump | Rules and Assembly Instructions

What is Spikeball (Roundnet)?

Spikeball, also known as roundnet, is a team sport and recreational game. It involves a bouncing ball placed on a small circular trampoline divided into two teams of two players each. The objective is to bounce the ball on the trampoline in a way that the opposing team cannot return it and to score points. It is a dynamic game that requires speed, coordination, and reflexes to be competitive.

How to play Spikeball (Roundnet)?

The game is played with teams of two players around the net. Before the serve, teammates from the same team stand side by side, but once the ball is in play, they have the freedom to move all around the net. Each hit must be struck. The serve, which initiates the game, must bounce off the net towards the opposing team. The opposing team has three touches to return the ball to the net, alternating between players. Points are scored if the ball touches the ground or the net ring, or if it bounces more than once on the net. The team that scores the point retains the serve, alternating between players in successive serves. The match ends when a team reaches the predetermined score, usually 11, 15, or 21 points, with at least a two-point lead. There are also versions of the game for 2, 3, and 6 players.

Spikeball kit (Roundnet)

Spikeball Pro | Adult + Children Balls | Inflation Pump | Rules and Assembly Instructions

What is Spikeball (Roundnet)?

Spikeball, also known as roundnet, is a team sport and recreational game. It involves a bouncing ball placed on a small circular trampoline divided into two teams of two players each. The objective is to bounce the ball on the trampoline in a way that the opposing team cannot return it and to score points. It is a dynamic game that requires speed, coordination, and reflexes to be competitive.

How to play Spikeball (Roundnet)?

The game is played with teams of two players around the net. Before the serve, teammates from the same team stand side by side, but once the ball is in play, they have the freedom to move all around the net. Each hit must be struck. The serve, which initiates the game, must bounce off the net towards the opposing team. The opposing team has three touches to return the ball to the net, alternating between players. Points are scored if the ball touches the ground or the net ring, or if it bounces more than once on the net. The team that scores the point retains the serve, alternating between players in successive serves. The match ends when a team reaches the predetermined score, usually 11, 15, or 21 points, with at least a two-point lead. There are also versions of the game for 2, 3, and 6 players.

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